I like the new focus of your publication Diane, and the new name. Looking forward to more.

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Thanks, Glenn! it's an ever-evolving process.... Hope all's well your way!

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deletedMar 23, 2023Liked by Diane Hatz
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Thanks, Wayne. Yes - it will include thoughts and revelations about various things. i've had the same experience as you with 'friends'. I've gone hours on phone conversations without the other person asking me a single question - they just went on and on about themselves. I don't have time for that anymore. If there isn't a give and take with possible growth, I'm out. I will qualify that by saying I do want to follow the Stoic philosophy of listening more than talking - but, that doesn't mean being a dumping ground for other people's stuff.

I think you should write about the dating sites! 60 on dating sites - and a male - I think you'd have a great perspective.

And thanks for understanding. I feel so wishy washy because I've been tweaking, setting, and re-setting for a while now - but, hey, that's growth. Here's to our 60's!!

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deletedMar 23, 2023Liked by Diane Hatz
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Thanks! I'll check it out when I get around to getting a book. I got one ages ago but it's from like the 1930s so the writing is stilted. One of the big Stoics called Seneca was born the same year as Jesus - I found that trippy. It's really just about looking and focusing inward - not on people or things outside you. Control what you can control - and let the rest go. Wise words....

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