Your journey is a testament to your dedication and passion for writing. It's incredible to see how far you've come from the initial uncertainties about publishing platforms and marketing to now having your own publishing company. Your determination to share your work with the world and your belief in your writing are truly inspiring. Great work Diane!

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Happy first!!!! Every word reflects the power house that you are! Writing and publishing takes courage and i salute yours. The world of publishing is a wild one but judging from your experience in the music industry, there’s nothing you can’t do! Rock Gods and Messy Monsters deserves the wonderful reviews, and we are impatient for the sequel. Congratulations Diane

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the magic word is faith.... it's what ignites and drives us, to just keeps those wheels turning... to believe in one's creative endeavors is worth WAY MORE than the other stuff we've been peddled. Rock on, Diane! Rock Gods and Messy Monsters is VERY GOOD and the sequel will be GREAT.

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