These pictures look gorgeous! I really like your point about considering why we take pictures. I took a very long social media hiatus a while back, because I started to feel like I was going out to take the pictures, not to enjoy the journey.

Now I try to take phone-free trips once in a while and it feels great!

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I did a social media-free month and it was fabulous! It's hard for me to not snap photos when out, but I'm like you - I try to have phone free walks/hikes at times....

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We are all in our own spheres and sometimes too engrossed in them to see a larger picture. When you see things in life as part of the traffic of experience, that what happens to you is most time, part of what is happening in the whole, it gets easier. "Maybe he's under a lot of pressure... maybe they just forgot..." I try to keep zoomed out because we can get so lost in our own misery. I'm not sure I see the good and much as I know there is good, and that sometimes I won't see it.

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Yes! My latest mantra is "He/she is doing the best they can." No matter what they do, how they treat me or others, I know they are doing the best they can. I've found that hugely helpful.

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I started this same journey a few years back! I realized two things about myself. First I’d buried the part of me that always looked for the positive and had become increasing negative. Second, I finally acknowledged that the regular career path wasn’t my path and never had been. I set out then to change my perspective…buying an old RV and taking to the road to seek out the good in life. Yes, there were, and are, challenges aplenty! But the journey of self-discovery and growth is amazing. How wonderful that you have a place you can go to help you recharge and change your perspective!

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Are you still on the road? I see a lot of people out here solo RV'ing - but they've been men. I think about it but not yet. Though I wouldn't mind traveling all up and down the west (AZ/NM up into Canada). It's on my to do list, but not far up. I think a week in Moab is next. Maybe I'm a spurt traveler. Congrats on following your heart!

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I am still on the road! I traveled solo for a bit, but for most of the time, my bestie has been along for the journey as well. There are actually a surprising number of solo women full time RVers/van lifers out there. It’s pretty amazing! A week in Moab sounds lovely, especially if you can fit it in before it gets hot :)

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Lucky you! I'm part of a FB book of solo women travelers and a bunch are RVing. It's inspiring for me to see older women out there trekking on their own. I think I'd like a mix of with others and solo myself so sounds like you're living the dream! And, yeah, if I do Moab, it'll be within the next month. I'm satiated from Sedona so not sure I want to pop off again so soon, so we'll see. My new neighbors are from there and said it was insaneeeeeee with tourists last year, so if I don't go in the next few weeks, I'll have to wait until winter or next year.

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