What is Hearth Talks?
Welcome to Hearth Talks, a companion newsletter to Diane’s YouTube podcast of the same name.
Hearth is a place for women over 35 seeking personal growth, connection, and purpose through creative self expression.
Creative self expression includes writing, art, music, theater, movement and other inspired modalities.
Through creativity, play, and exploration, women have the opportunity to:
Find purpose in their second half of life
Discover their “Why”
Explore and unlock creativity
Build meaningful community
Become an embodied leader
Work through fears and blockages
Hearth helps inspire and encourage women reach their full potential, discover who they truly are, and find purpose and meaning in life. Hearth is also a way to build a connected community with like-minded others.
The United States Census Bureau estimates that in 2023, there were 90.4 million women over the age of 35, the age when many women start questioning their life choices.
Women’s midlife review (formerly the midlife crisis) runs from approximately ages 40 - 65, comprising over 50 million U.S. women who face many transitions, including:
Regrets over not pursuing a passion
Physical and mental effects of perimenopause and menopause, e.g., anxiety and panic, depression, uncontrollable anger and sadness, fatigue, sleeplessness, and more
Job or career loss
Loss of identity
Feeling lost
Questioning career, relationships, and family life
Sense of time running out
Divorce and partner changes
Aging and change in looks
Caregiving responsibilities for children and parents
Death of friends and loved ones
Children leaving home
Through fun, play, and creativity, Hearth helps women handle their life transitions with knowledge, grace, and a community of like-minded women.
All are welcome at Hearth, though the space is focused toward women over 35.
Hearth Talks will also include information on my writing, as well as general information on indie writing and publishing.
You can also stay in touch though my private newsletter and author email list.
Who is Diane Hatz?
Diane is a multi-talented author, organizer, and inner activist. Her debut novel, Rock Gods & Messy Monsters, has earned numerous honors, including first runner-up for the 2024 Eric Hoffer Award in Science Fiction & Fantasy and #1 Amazon Hot New Release in three categories. Her second book, Fallen Spirits, continues her creative journey.
Diane’s writing is humorous, sci-fi-tinged satire and social commentary on themes such as materialism, corporate greed, spirituality, and finding oneself. Though fictional, her writing is based on her experiences, observations, and spiritual path. She has been a follower of The Dalai Lama for over twenty-five years.
Diane received a Master’s in Creative Writing in London, England.
Among her other eclectic work, she founded and organized TEDxManhattan “Changing the Way We Eat,” a TED-sanctioned event, from 2010-2015. She founded and ran the nonprofit Change Food where she hosted smaller events and the larger Change Food Fest in New York City.
Diane was Impact Producer at film company Participant, mentor for artists working on projects related to food with Creative Capital Foundation, and executive producer of the award-winning animation The Meatrix. Her early career was spent working in the music industry, and her fanzine The Relay can be found in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
After thirty years in NYC, Diane moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she currently lives and writes. When not creating, you can find her wandering the desert, road tripping, and helping abandoned dogs find homes.
If you want to learn more, you can check out her author site or company site Whole Healthy Group. Whole Healthy Group is Diane’s indie publishing imprint and a consulting company.
You can also find and follow her on:
Author Website DianeHatz.com
Facebook author page - @ dianehatz.author
Instagram: @ dianehatz.author
TikTok (I’m not sure how active I’ll be here…)
Twitter: @ dianehatz
Please subscribe here if you haven’t yet and are interested. Thanks!
Say Hello
Hearth Talks is a continually evolving project, so feel free to drop a line anytime to say hello and share your thoughts and feelings.